The Ancient Ballads

The House Carpenter

The House Carpenter

by John Fitzsimmons | The American Folk Experience

Child Ballad #243

Well met, well met, my own true love
 Well met, well met, cried he
 I’ve just returned from the salt, salt sea
 And it’s all for the love of thee
 O I could have married the king’s daughter dear
 And she would have married me
 But I have refused the crown of gold
 And it’s all for the sake of thee
 If you could have married the king’s daughter dear
 I’m sure you are to blame
 For I am married to the house carpenter
 And he is a fine young man
 If you’ll forsake your house carpenter
 And come away with me
 I’ll take you to where the grass grows green
 On the banks of the sweet Willie
 If I forsake my house carpenter
 And come away with thee
 What have you got to maintain me upon
 And keep me from slavery
 I’ve six ships sailing on the salt, salt sea
 A-sailing from dry land
 And a hundred and twenty jolly young men
 Shall be at thy command
 She picked up her poor wee babe
 And kisses gave him three
 Saying stay right here with the house carpenter
 And keep him good company
 They had not been at sea two weeks
 I’m sure it was not three
 When this poor maid began to weep
 And she wept most bitterly
 O do you weep for your gold, he said
 Your houses, your land, or your store?
 Or do you weep for your house carpenter
m That you never shall see anymore
 I do not weep for my gold, she said
 My houses, my land or my store
 But I do weep for my poor wee babe
 That I never shall see anymore
 They had not been at sea three weeks
 I’m sure it was not four
 When in their ship there sprang a leak
 And she sank to rise no more
 What hills, what hills are those, my love
 That are so bright and free
 Those are the hill of Heaven, my love
 But not for you and me
 What hills, what hills, are those, my love
 That are so dark and low
 Those are the hills of Hell, my love
 Where you and I must go

If you have any more information to share about this song or helpful links, please post as a comment. Thanks for stopping by the site! ~John Fitz


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I am indebted to the many friends who share my love of traditional songs and to the many scholars whose works are too many to include here. I am also incredibly grateful to the collector’s curators and collators of Wikipedia,,, and for their wise, thorough and informative contributions to the study of folk music. 

I share their research on my site with humility, thanks, and gratitude. Please cite their work accordingly with your own research. If you have any research or sites you would like to share on this site, please post in the comment box.  Thanks!

"The Daemon Lover" (Roud 14, Child 243) – also known as "James Harris", "A Warning for Married Women", "The Distressed Ship Carpenter", "James Herries", "The Carpenter’s Wife", "The Banks of Italy", or "The House-Carpenter" – is a popular ballad dating from the mid-seventeenth century,[1] when the earliest known broadside version of the ballad was entered in the Stationers' Register on 21 February 1657.[2][3]

History and different versions

There are a number of different versions of the ballad. In addition to the eight collected by Francis James Child in volume IV of his anthology The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (versions A to H), others can be found in Britain and in the United States, where it remained especially widespread,[4] with hundreds of versions being collected throughout the years,[5] around 250 of them in print.[6] In comparison, only four new variants were recorded in the UK in the time between Child's death in 1896 and the second half of the 1960s, all of them before 1910.[7]

"A Warning for Married Women" (Child A)

The oldest version of the ballad – labeled 243 A in Child's anthology and originally signed with the initials L.P. – is generally attributed to Laurence Price,[8][9][10] a prominent ballad writer of that time.[11] The original, full title of the broadside was "A Warning for Married Women, by the example of Mrs. Jane Renalds, a West-Country woman born neer unto Plymouth, who having plighted her troth to a seaman, was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall be presently recited".[12] The broadside does not seem to be a recasting of a pre-existing folk ballad in circulation, although it bears some similarities to other ballads, most notably a similarly named "A Warning for Maidens", also known by the title "Bateman's Tragedy" (Roud 22132).[13][14][15]

"A Warning for Married Women"[16] tells the story of Jane Reynolds and her lover James Harris, with whom she exchanged a promise of marriage. He is pressed as a sailor before the wedding takes place and Jane faithfully awaits his return for three years, but when she learns of his death at sea, she agrees to marry a local carpenter. Jane gives birth to three children and for four years the couple lives a happy life.[17] One night, when the carpenter is away, the spirit of James Harris appears. He tries to convince Jane to keep her oath and run away with him. At first she is reluctant to do so, because of her husband and their children, but ultimately she succumbs to the ghost's pleas, letting herself be persuaded by his tales of rejecting the royal daughter's hand and assurance that he has the means to support her – namely, a fleet of seven ships. The pair then leaves England, never to be seen again, and the carpenter commits suicide upon learning that his wife is gone. The broadside ends with a mention that although the children were orphaned, the heavenly powers will provide for them.[18]

"The Distressed Ship Carpenter" (Child B)

Another known version of the ballad, labeled 243 B in Child's anthology and titled ‘The Distressed Ship Carpenter’, comes from the mid-eighteenth century and appears in A Collection of Diverting Songs, Epigrams, & c. and in a chapbook titled The Rambler’s Garland.[19] It is notable for its opening, ‘Well met, well met, my own true love’, which is characteristic of many versions of the ballad, in particular those recorded in America. This variation differs from "A Warning for Married Women". The opening part of the ballad is lost, and so are the names of Jane and James; the text does not mention their former vows either. The former lover appears to be a mortal man, rather than a revenant.[20][21] "The Distressed Ship Carpenter" ends with the eponymous craftsman lamenting and cursing seamen for ruining his life. With the disappearance of the supernatural elements, the story of the ballad became rationalized.[22] These changes may have originated in an oral tradition or, as suggested by John Burrison, there was an intermediary broadside version of the ballad that served as a bridge between "A Warning’" and "The Distressed Ship Carpenter";[23][24] David Atkinson considers a possibility that the changes were made either to avoid any legal troubles with the intellectual property owners of "A Warning"[25] or as a result of a change in broadside format to smaller sheets.[26]

"The Distressed Ship Carpenter" is characterized by a number of common folk touches, possibly indicating that there was an intermediary folk version developed as a result of an oral tradition between this version of the ballad and the original broadside.[27] The story begins in the third act, contains recurring words and phrases and is leaping and lingering, i.e. alternating between rapid and slow unfoldment of the events, at two crucial points: when relating the return of the former lover and the lovers’ confrontation after they board the ship.[28] In doing so, the ballad preserves and focuses on its "emotional core".[29][30]

Scottish and American traditions

"A Warning for Married Women" and "The Distressed Ship Carpenter" seem to have inspired the Scottish and American traditions of the ballad, respectively.[31][32][33] The Scottish versions collected by Child (designated as versions C-G) share a number of elements with Child 243 A not present in Child 243 B – among them a direct reference to former vows and the name of the sailor – but what distinguishes them most is the character of a lover, who regains his supernatural nature. What is especially characteristic of these versions is the introduction of a daemonic presence; in "The Daemon Lover" (Child 243 E, F, G) James Harris is no longer a ghost or a mortal man, but instead is revealed to be a cloven-footed devil.[34][35]

It is generally agreed that copies collected in America (usually titled "The House Carpenter") were derived from "The Distressed Ship Carpenter".[36] There are a number of similarities between these versions – such as the absence of former vows and supernatural elements characteristic of "A Warning" and Scottish versions – and the story presented in them remains essentially the same.[37][38] Some elements taken from the Scottish tradition are present in American variants, for example "hills of heaven, hills of hell" line from Child 243 E, but the influence of "The Distressed Ship Carpenter" is prevalent.[39] The most notable differences when compared to the English and Scottish traditions are their setting (i.e. "the banks of Italy" become "the banks of old Tennessee") and more emphasis being put on the relationship between the mother and the child and their subsequent parting.[40] The American history of the ballad in printed form dates back to the 1850s.[41] Two verses that were printed in Philadelphia (1858; Child included them in his anthology), along with a broadside printed by Andrews of New York (ca. 1857; reissued by De Marsan in 1860) are the earliest known examples of the ballad in the United States, although the oral tradition had already existed there before they were published and it played a predominant role in the spread of the ballad in America.[42][43]

Tune and metre

Referring to broadsides that were already in circulation for the tune was a common habit and so the original broadsides of "A Warning for Married Women" name the tune to which the ballad was to be sung as "The Fair Maid of Bristol", "Bateman", or "John True".[44][45] These three tunes are also identified as "The Lady’s Fall", which was notably the tune for "Bateman’s Tragedy" (Roud 22132) and numerous other early seventeenth-century broadsides, most of which contained themes of "crimes, monstrous births, or warnings of God’s judgement."[46] Later, eighteenth-century copies of "The Distressed Ship Carpenter" carried no tune designation whatsoever.[47] "A Warning for Married Women" and "The Distressed Ship Carpenter" were printed respectively in 32 four-line stanzas (in ballad metre) and 13 to 14 four-line stanzas (in long measure, described by Atkinson as “slightly awkward” at times).[48]


"A Warning for Married Women" addresses the themes of marriage, unfaithfulness and bigamy.[49] David Atkinson writes that it can be seen as "a reinforcement of prevailing patriarchal family relationships."[50] Barbara Fass Leavy describes Jane Reynolds as a "cautionary example" of what happens "when women abandon their responsibilities in order to pursue their own pleasures."[51] The theme of materialism is prevalent throughout the different versions,[52][53] as the wife usually remains concerned whether her lover will be able to maintain her.[54] Likewise, he uses promises of prosperity as a way to seduce her.[55] Leavy also suggests a different reading of the ballad, in which it is her marriage with a carpenter, rather than her decision to flee with the former lover, that can be considered an act of infidelity.[56] Atkinson describes the original broadside as "the preservation of outmoded ways of thinking within the canon of popular literature."[57] In accordance with the ecclesiastical law of early seventeenth-century England, a mutual promise of marriage was enough to make the couple husband and wife and was considered binding in the eyes of God. As a result, breaking such a promise would make any subsequent marriage invalid and invite divine punishment.[58] The ballad therefore employs "popular theology to reinforce [its] emphasis on fidelity in marriage."[59] The broadside may be read as encouraging faithfulness to the person with whom the original pre-marriage vows were exchanged and warning against divine punishment for breaking the oath.[60]

The changes resulting from the recasting of "A Warning for Married Women" as "The Distressed Ship Carpenter" can be seen as the reflection of "a genuine, if quite gradual, change in social and judicial attitudes in early modern England." The revenant becomes a former lover and crime and punishment take the place of sin and retribution.[61] The theme of sin becomes notable once again in the Scottish "Demon Lover" tradition (notably Child D-G), which establishes that the former lover is the devil who "came to carry off the unfaithful girl to the hills of hell."[62] The imagery of the "hills of heaven and hell" is present in some of the variants collected in America.[63] Alan Lomax describes the ballad as a reinforcement of the Calvinist sexual morality.[64]

The ballad also touches on the issues of class relations. According to Dave Harker, "A Warning for Married Women" questions the responsibilities of young women "of worthy birth and fame".[65] In her reading of the ballad, Leavy mentions the binary opposition between the husband and the lover and two modes of existence they represent; the mundane life and domestic ties of the artisan and the life of adventure and freedom of the seaman.[66]

Many supernatural ballads mention fictional or remote places as locations.[67] In multiple variants of the ballad, James Harris promises to take his lover to "the banks of Italie",[68] which is a real, but sufficiently far-off place to serve as the final destination for an unfaithful wife and her supernatural lover.[69] In other versions, the banks of Italy turn into, for example, the banks of Tennessee (in this version the destination becomes a familiar place to return to),[70] various generalizations ("deep blue sea", "salt water sea") or abstractions ("isle of sweet liberty", "banks of sweet relief").[71]

Traditional recordings

The ballad was collected and recorded many times in the Appalachian Mountains; Clarence Ashley recorded a version with a banjo accompaniment in 1930,[72] Texas Gladden had two versions recorded in 1932 and 1946,[73][74] whilst Sarah Ogan Gunning sang a version in 1974.[75] Jean Ritchie sang her family's version of the ballad twice, one of those times recorded by Alan Lomax,[76][77] now available online courtesy of the Alan Lomax archive.[78] The song was also popular elsewhere in the United States; Ozark singer Almeda Riddle sang another traditional version in 1964,[79] and folklorist Max Hunter recorded several Ozark versions which are available on the online Max Hunter Folk Collection.[80][81][82][83]

Canadian folklorists Edith Fowke, Kenneth Peacock and Helen Creighton each recorded a different "House Carpenter" variant in Canada in the 1950s and 60s.[84][85][86]

The song appears to have been largely forgotten in Britain and Ireland, but a fragmentary version, sung by Andrew Stewart of Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland, and learned from his mother, was recorded by Hamish Henderson in 1955,[87] and can be heard on the Tobar an Dualchais website.[88] A variant performed by Frank Browne in Bellanagare, Co. Roscommon, Ireland, was also recorded in 1975 by Hugh Shields.

Versions of the song, under its several titles, have been recorded by:

In literature

Elizabeth Bowen's 1945 short story "The Demon Lover" uses the ballad's central conceit for a narrative of ghostly return in wartime London.

Shirley Jackson's collection The Lottery and Other Stories includes "The Daemon Lover", a story about a woman searching for her mysterious fiancé named James Harris.

In Grady Hendrix’s 2020 novel The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, the main antagonist is a vampire named James Harris as a way to pay ode to the ballad.[citation needed]

In classical music

Hamish MacCunn's 1887 concert overture The Ship o' the Fiend is based on the ballad.[92]


  1. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 206.
  2. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 592.
  3. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 206.
  4. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 65.
  5. ^ Gardner-Medwin 1971, p. 415.
  6. ^ Burrison 1967, p. 273.
  7. ^ Burrison 1967, pp. 274-75.
  8. ^ Harker 1992, p. 300.
  9. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 592.
  10. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 206.
  11. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 592.
  12. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 592.
  13. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 207.
  14. ^ Atkinson 1989, pp. 598-602.
  15. ^ Burrison 1967, p. 272.
  16. ^ Child 1904, pp. 543-46.
  17. ^ Child 1904, pp. 543-44, stanzas 1-14.
  18. ^ Child 1904, pp. 543-44, stanzas 15-32.
  19. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 207.
  20. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 208.
  21. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 605.
  22. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 208.
  23. ^ Burrison 1967, pp. 272-73.
  24. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 65.
  25. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 209.
  26. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, pp. 208-9.
  27. ^ Burrison 1967, pp. 272-73.
  28. ^ Burrison 1967, p. 273.
  29. ^ Burrison 1967, p. 273.
  30. ^ Coffin 1963, p. 300.
  31. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, pp. 209-10.
  32. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 596.
  33. ^ Atkinson 2004, p. 483, fn. 92.
  34. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, pp. 209-10.
  35. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 596.
  36. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, pp. 210-11.
  37. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, pp. 209-10.
  38. ^ Hyman 1957, p. 236.
  39. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 211.
  40. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, pp. 210-11.
  41. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 210.
  42. ^ Burrison 1967, pp. 273-74.
  43. ^ Gardner-Medwin 1971, p. 415.
  44. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 209.
  45. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 606.
  46. ^ Simpson 1966, p. 369.
  47. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 209.
  48. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, pp. 207-8.
  49. ^ Harker 1992, p. 332.
  50. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 599.
  51. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 66.
  52. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 599.
  53. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 69.
  54. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 69.
  55. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 69.
  56. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 66.
  57. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 207.
  58. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 602.
  59. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 6024.
  60. ^ Atkinson 1989, p. 600.
  61. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 208.
  62. ^ Burrison 1967, p. 273.
  63. ^ Atkinson and Roud 2014, p. 2011.
  64. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 65.
  65. ^ Harker 1992, p. 333.
  66. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 67.
  67. ^ Richmond 1946, p. 263.
  68. ^ Richmond 1946, p. 263.
  69. ^ Atkinson 2009, p. 256.
  70. ^ Leavy 1994, p. 71.
  71. ^ Richmond 1946, p. 267.
  72. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S400766)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2021-01-18.
  73. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S445415)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-09.
  74. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S238200)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-09.
  75. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S148217)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  76. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S208656)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-09.
  77. ^ "My Little Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S341765)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-09.
  78. ^ "Alan Lomax Archive". Retrieved 2020-11-09.
  79. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S301879)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-09.
  80. ^ "Song Information". Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  81. ^ "Song Information". Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  82. ^ "Song Information". Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  83. ^ "Song Information". Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  84. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S148209)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  85. ^ "The House Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S272948)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  86. ^ "The Young Ship's Carpenter (Roud Folksong Index S383645)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  87. ^ "The Demon Lover (Roud Folksong Index S430491)". The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  88. ^ "Tobar an Dualchais Kist O Riches". Retrieved 2020-11-10.
  89. ^ Solo album: Abocurragh, Andy Irvine AK-3, 2010.
  90. ^ "House Carpenter".
  91. ^ Combined from several sources including: Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 1996 by Barnes & Noble Books, and Concise Oxford Dictionary - 10th Edition by Oxford University Press.
  92. ^ Purser, John (1995). "The Ship o' the Fiend". Hyperion Records. Retrieved 2021-02-23.


    Source: Mainly Norfolk

    The Demon Lover / The House Carpenter

    Roud 14 ; Child 243 ; G/D 2:332 ; Ballad Index C243 ; trad.]

    A.L. Lloyd sang The Demon Lover in 1956 on his and Ewan MacColl’s Riverside anthology The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume IV. Like all of his recordings from this series it was reissued in 2011 on his Fellside CD Bramble Briars and Beams of the Sun. He recorded this ballad again in 1964 on his and Ewan MacColl’s Topic album English and Scottish Folk Ballads. This track is also on the expanded CD reissue of 1996 and on the compilation Classic A.L. Lloyd. Lloyd commented in the album notes:

    In the 17th century a very popular ballad was printed by several broadside publishers, entitled: A Warning for Married Women, being an example of Mrs Jane Reynolds (a West-country woman), born near Plymouth, who, having plighted her troth to a Seaman, was afterwards married to a Carpenter, and at last carried away by a Spirit, the manner how shall be presently recited. To a West-country tune called The Fair Maid of BristolBateman, or John True. Samuel Pepys had this one in his collection also. It was a longish ballad (32 verses) but a very poor composition made by some hack poet. Perhaps the doggerel writer made his version on the basis of a fine ballad already current among folk singers. Or perhaps the folk singers took the printed song and in the course of passing it from mouth to mouth over the years and across the shires they re-shaped it into something of pride, dignity and terror. Whatever the case, the ballad has come down to us in far more handsome form than Pepys had it. Though very rarely met with nowadays, it was formerly well-known in Scotland as well as in England. For instance, Walter Scott included a good version in his Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (1812 edn.). Generally the Scottish texts are better than the English ones, none of which tell the full story (we have filled out our version by borrowing some stanzas from Scottish sets of the ballad), but none of the Scottish tunes for it are as good those found in the South and West of England. Our present tune was noted by H. E. D. Hammond from Mrs Russell of Upway, near Dorchester, Dorset, in 1907. Cecil Sharp considered it “one of the finest Dorian airs” he had seen. Dr Vaughan Williams made a splendid choral setting of the opening verses of this ballad, which he called The Lover’s Ghost.

    The Watson Family sang this song as The House Carpenter in 1963 on their Folkways album The Doc Watson Family and Hedy West sang it on her 1966 Topic album of Appalachian Ballads, Pretty Saro. She commented in the sleeve notes:

    This is the commonest collected version of The Demon Lover (James Harris) in the United States. The oldest known printed version is entitled A Warning for Married Women in which the “heroine” is identified as Mrs. Jane Reynolds, born near Plymouth. The date of the broadside is 1685. A.L. Lloyd says it was almost surely in oral tradition long before that. In the original British forms the returning lover was a ghost who wreaks a terrible revenge on the girl who wouldn’t be faithful to his memory. This is on of the first songs Grandma and [grand uncle] Gus remember hearing their mother sing.

    Sweeney’s Men sang The House Carpenter in 1968 on their eponymous first Transatlantic album, Sweeney’s Men.

    LaRena Clark sang The House Carpenter in 1969 on her Topic album A Canadian Garland: Folksongs from the Province of Ontario.

    Pentangle sang The House Carpenter in 1969 on their third Transatlantic album, Basket of Light.

    Cyril Tawney sang The Carpenter’s Wife in 1969 on his Polydor album The Outlandish Knight: Traditional Ballads from Devon and Cornwall.

    Steeleye Span recorded Demon Lover in 1975 with quite different but related verses for their seventh album, Commoners Crown.

    The Wassailers sang The Demon Lover in 1978 on their Fellside album Wassailers.

    Peter Bellamy sang this song as The Housecarpenter on his 1979 album Both Sides Then. He commented on his sources:

    This version learned from a recording of the Watson family of Deep Gap, North Carolina, with additional verses from a forgotten source.

    Nic Jones sang Demon Lover in a live performance from the late 1960s that was included in 2006 on his Topic CD Game Set Match.

    Brian Peters sang The Demon Lover in 1985 on his Fellside album Persistence of Memory and in 2008 on his album of Child ballads, Songs of Trial and Triumph.

    Ed Rennie sang Little House Carpenter in 2004 on his Fellside CD Narrative.

    Martin Simpson sang The House Carpenter in 2005 on his Topic album Kind Letters.

    Emily Portman sang The Demon Lover in ca. 2005 as the title track of The Devil’s Interval’s EP At Our Next Meeting, and in 2014 on The Furrow Collective’s album At Our Next Meeting. She commented in the latter’s sleeve notes:

    A.L. Lloyd gives me goose bumps in his version of this 17th century ballad. I’ve since heard many beguiling variants but I always return to this one for its poetic turns of phrase and eerie tune (collected from Mrs Russell of Upway, Dorset). It may have started out as a moral tale but I like the ambiguity of this retelling.

    This video shows The Furrow Collective at The Glad Cafe in Glasgow on February 22, 2014:

    Cara recorded The House Carpenter for their 2007 album In Between Times and on their 2008 DVD In Full Swing—Live. They comment in their sleeve notes:

    This is a haunting version of an old ballad which has been done by many singers including Bob Dylan. It is also called James Harris or The Demon Lover (Child coll. #243) and dates back to a song by London-based ballad writer Laurence Price in 1657. The original title was A Warning for Married Women and is based on the story of Mrs. Jane Reynolds, “a West-Country Woman, born near Plymouth; who having plighted her troth to a Sea-man, was afterwards Married to a Carpenter, and last carried away by a Spirit…” It has everything a good ballad needs: a lovely lady, a husband, a lover, ships, heartbreak, death and the devil—what more can you ask for? Sandra found this version on an album by Mick McAuley.

    Frankie Armstrong sang Demon Lover on her 2008 Fellside CD Encouragement.

    Alasdair Roberts sang The Daemon Lover in 2010 on his CD Too Long in This Condition.

    Jon Boden sang The House Carpenter as the May 22, 2011 entry of his project A Folk Song a Day. He noted in his blog:

    Learnt this recently—I’m a bit torn whether to use the ‘sinking’ verse or not as I quite like the ‘what hills’ verses being more abstract—more like he’s an actual demon taking her directly to Hell. I’ve left it in for now though.


    A.L. Lloyd sings The Demon Lover Steeleye Span’s Demon Lover
    “Well met, well met, my own true love,
    Long time I have been absent from thee.
    I am lately come from the salt sea
    And it’s all for the sake, my love, of thee.”“I have three ships all on the sea
    And by one of them has brought me to land.
    I’ve four and twenty seamen on board
    And you shall have music at your command.”

    She says, “I am now wed to a ship’s carpenter,
    To a ship carpenter I am bound.
    And I wouldn’t leave my husband dear
    For twice the sum of ten hundred pound.”

    “Well I might have a king’s daughter,
    And fain she would have married me.
    But I forsook her crown of gold
    And it was all for the sake, my love, of thee.”

    “So I pray you leave your husband, dear,
    And sail away with me.
    And I’ll take you where the white lilies grow
    All on the banks of Italy.”

    “And this ship wherein my love shall sail
    Is wondrous to behold.
    The sails shall be of shining silk
    And the mast shall be of red beaten gold.”

    So she dressed herself in her gay clothing
    Most glorious to behold,
    And as she trod the salt water’s side
    Oh she shone like glittering gold.

    They hadn’t sailed a day and a day
    And a day but barely three,
    She cast herself down on the deck
    And she wept and wailed most bitterly.

    “Oh hold your tongue, my dearest dear,
    Let all your sorrows be.
    I’ll take you where the white lilies grow
    All on the bottom of the sea.”

    And as she turned herself roundabout,
    So tall and tall he seemed to be,
    Until the tops of that gallant ship
    No taller were than he.

    And he struck the topmast with his hand,
    The main mast with his knee,
    And he broke that shining ship in two
    And he dashed it into the bottom of the sea.

    “Where have you been, my long lost love,
    This seven long years and more?”
    “Seeking gold for thee, my love,
    And riches of great store.”“I might have married a king’s daughter
    Far, far beyond the sea.
    But I refused the golden crown
    All for the love of thee.”

    “What have you to keep me with
    If I with you should go?
    If I forsake my husband dear
    And my young son also?”

    >𝄆 I’ll show you where the white lilies grow
    On the banks of Italy,
    I’ll show you where the white fishes swim
    At the bottom of the sea. 𝄇

    “Seven ships all on the sea,
    The eighth brought me to land,
    With four and twenty mariners
    And music on every hand.”

    She set her foot upon the ship,
    No mariners could behold.
    The sails were of the shining silk,
    The masts of beaten gold.


    “What are yon high, high hills
    The sun shines sweetly in?”
    “Those are the hills of heaven, my love,
    Where you will never win.”


    “What is that mountain yonder there
    Where evil winds do blow?”
    “Yonder’s the mountain of hell,” he cried,
    “Where you and I must go.”

    He took her up to the top mast high
    To see what he could see.
    He sunk the ship in a flash of fire
    To the bottom of the sea.


    Peter Bellamy sings The Housecarpenter Jon Boden sings The House Carpenter
    “Well met, well met, my own true love,
    Well met, well met,” says he,
    “I’ve just returned from the salt, salt sea
    And it’s all for the love of thee.”
    “Well met, well met, my own true love,
    Well met, well met,” cried he,
    “I’ve just returned from the salt, salt sea
    And it’s all for the love of thee.
    “So come in, come in, oh my own true love,
    And have a seat with me.
    It’s been three-fourths of a long long year
    Since together we have been.”
    “Oh I can’t come in nor I won’t sit down,
    For I have but a moment’s time.
    For they say you are married to a house carpenter
    So your heart would never be mine.
    “And yet I could have married some king’s daughter fair,
    And she would have married me,
    But I forsaked her crowns of gold
    And it’s all for the love of thee.
    “Oh I could have married the king’s daughter dear
    And she would have married me,
    But I have refused the crown of gold
    And it’s all for the love of thee.”
    “If you could have married the king’s daughter dear
    I’m sure you are to blame,
    For I am married to the house carpenter
    And he is a fine young man.”
    “So it’s won’t you forsake on your house carpenter
    And come along with me?
    I’ll take you where the grass grows green
    On the banks of Italy.”
    “Oh, if you’ll forsake your house carpenter
    And come along with me,
    I’ll take you to where the grass grows green
    On the banks of Italy.”
    “If I forsake my house carpenter
    And come along with thee,
    Oh, what have you got to maintain me upon
    And to keep me from slavery?”
    “Oh, I’ve six ships sailing on the salt sea,
    A-sailing from dry land,
    And a hundred and twenty jolly young men
    Shall be at your command.”
    So she’s lifted up her little young son
    And kisses she’s gave it three, saying,
    “Stay right here my darling little babe
    And keep your papa company.”
    She picked up her poor wee babe
    And kisses she gave him three,
    Saying, “Stay right here with the house carpenter
    And keep him company.”
    Oh, she picked up her poor wee babe
    And kisses she gave him three,
    Saying, “Stay right here with the house carpenter
    And keep him company.”
    Now they’d not been on board above two weeks,
    I’m sure it was not three,
    When his true love began to weep and moan
    And she wept most bitterly.
    They had not been two weeks at sea,
    I’m sure it was not three,
    When this poor maid began to weep
    And she wept most bitterly.
    “Are you weeping for your silver and your gold?
    Are you weeping for your store?
    Or are you weeping for your house carpenter
    Whose face you’ll never see no more?”
    “Oh do you weep for your gold,” he said,
    “Your houses, your land, or your store?
    Or do you weep for your house carpenter
    That you never shall see no more?”
    Oh, a curse, a curse on the sailor she cried,
    Yes a curse, a curse she swore,
    “You’ve robbed me of my little young son
    So I never shall see him no more!”
    “I do not weep for my gold,” she said,
    “My houses, my land, or my store.
    But I do weep for my poor wee babe
    That I shall never see more.”
    They had not been three weeks at sea,
    I’m sure it was not four,
    When in their ship there sprang a leak
    And she sank to the ocean floor.
    “Oh what hills, what hills art those, my love,
    Those hills that shine like gold?”
    “Those are the hill of Heaven, my love,
    Where you and I can’t go.”
    “What hills, what hills are those, my love,
    That are so bright and free?”
    “Oh, those are the hill of Heaven, my love,
    But they’re not for you and me.”
    “And what hills, what hills art those, my love,
    Those hills so dark and cold?”
    “Those are the hill of Hell, my love,
    Where you and I must go.”
    “What hills, what hills, are those, my love,
    That are so dark and low?”
    “Oh, those are the hills of Hell, my love,
    Where you and I must go.”
    Now they’d not been on board above three weeks,
    I’m sure it was not four,
    Before there came a leak in the ship
    And she sunk and the never rose more.

    Performances, Workshops, Resources & Recordings

    The American Folk Experience is dedicated to collecting and curating the most enduring songs from our musical heritage.  Every performance and workshop is a celebration and exploration of the timeless songs and stories that have shaped and formed the musical history of America. John Fitzsimmons has been singing and performing these gems of the past for the past forty years, and he brings a folksy warmth, humor and massive repertoire of songs to any occasion. 

    Festivals & Celebrations Coffeehouses School Assemblies Library Presentations Songwriting Workshops Artist in Residence House Concerts Pub Singing Irish & Celtic Performances Poetry Readings Campfires Music Lessons Senior Centers Voiceovers & Recording

    “Beneath the friendly charisma is the heart of a purist gently leading us from the songs of our lives to the timeless traditional songs he knows so well…”


    Globe Magazine

    Join Fitz at The Colonial Inn

    “The Nobel Laureate of New England Pub Music…”

    Scott Alaric

    Adventures in the Modern Folk Underground

    On the Green, in Concord, MA Every Thursday Night for over thirty years…

    “A Song Singing, Word Slinging, Story Swapping, Ballad Mongering, Folksinger, Teacher, & Poet…”

    Theo Rogue

    Songcatcher Rag

    Fitz’s Recordings

    & Writings

    Songs, poems, essays, reflections and ramblings of a folksinger, traveler, teacher, poet and thinker…

    Download for free from the iTunes Bookstore

    “A Master of Folk…”

    The Boston Globe

    Fitz’s now classic recording of original songs and poetry…

    Download from the iTunes Music Store

    “A Masterful weaver of song whose deep, resonant voice rivals the best of his genre…”

    Spirit of Change Magazine

    “2003: Best Children’s Music Recording of the Year…”

    Boston Parent's Paper

    Fitz & The Salty Dawgs Amazing music, good times and good friends…

    Listen here

    Writing help

    when you need it…

    “When the eyes rest on the soul…that’s Fitzy…”

    Lenny Megliola

    WEEI Radio

    I have been here before

    Trying to pull a final day Back into the night, execute Some stay of time, Some way to wrap The fabric of Summer Around the balky, frame of Fall, sloughing My skin, unable to stop This reptilian ecdysis— This hideous morphing Into respectability. My students, tame As...

    Ghetto of Your Eye

    I wrote this song back in the winter of 1989, in the dining car of a steam driven train, somewhere along the Trans-Siberian railway, after meeting a group of Russian soldiers fresh from battle in Afghanistan—that poor country that has been a battleground for way too long.

    We stare together hours the snow whipped Russian plain—
    rolling in the ghetto of your eye.
    We share a quart of vodka
    and some cold meat on the train—
    you know too much to even wonder why;
    I see it in the ghetto of your eye.


    I am surprised sometimesby the suddenness of November:beauty abruptly shedto a common nakedness--grasses deadenedby hoarfrost,persistent memoriesof people I’ve lost.It is left to those of us dressed in the hard barky skin of experienceto insist on a decorumthat rises...

    How do I know

    what I know? The sharp angles of this simple cottage perfected in every board sawn, shingle split and beam hewn into place goes together placed, splined, slid together, bound more by intuition than knowing.

    Ring of Fire: The Power of Simplicity

    In fifth grade my mother finally let me go to the Concord Music store and buy a "45" single.  I bought Johnny Cash’s version of “Ring of Fire” written by his future wife June Carter and Merle Kilgore, a noted country songwriter of his day. There was no doubt in my...

    How To Be Human

    Mark Twain once wrote that it is good to be a good person, but it is better to tell people how to be good--"and a damn sight easier!" So much of my life is lived in response to the moment and not in a practiced and cultivated wisdom. I sat here this morning looking...

    The Small Potato

    Maybe there is a God. I just came home and sat down in the kitchen to grade some papers and input some grades, but the internet is buggy and slow, and I thought, "maybe this is the message" that I am trading my soul for work. I even remember myself  pontificating in...

    Searching for an Alibi

    Here I am out on the road again
    and it feels longer than it was back then;
    when I was younger, man, it saw me through—
    now it don’t do
    what I want it to—

    Too ra loo ra loo ra lady I—
    I’m just out searching for an alibi
    Too ra loo ra loo ra lady I
    I’m just out searching for an alibi.

    The Inn

            I realized that in all my years of writing and journal keeping, I seldom, if ever, write about "The Inn," which is and has been, the biggest and most enduring constant in my life for the past thirty plus years. Every Thursday night I load up my car, truck, bus...

    Hallows Lake

    Foreward Thanks for taking a look at this "work in progress. It originally started out as an experimental one-man play. Maybe it still will be. Later I thought of making it into a novel, but it's hard to see it happening as there is (intentionally) no real plot, and...

    Another Wednesday

            It is a good night for meatballs. The same meal we have cooked every Wednesday night for thirteen years and counting. Tonight is a beautiful and warm night of vacation week, so more than likely we will have a big crowd joining us—but we never know who. The...

    Me & God

            I am not done with God, nor God with me. I remain obsessed with the notion of the unmoved mover who set the pattern of creation into its initial motion. I stubbornly try to trace my existence back to some infinite beginning—so much so that I loathe the...

    The Right Side of the Inevitable

      Like birds of a feather, we gather together, 'Cuz they're feeling exactly like you... ~John Prine   I am not afraid of being a white minority. I had lunch today with a Jamaican drummer, a Ugandan farmer, and a Senagalese potter. I don’t say this out of...

    The Inn

    Every Thursday, for some thirty years, I have been spending this same time each week wrapping up the loose ends of the day before heading down to the inn to play to whomever and whatever shows up. Tonight looks like a fun night: Maroghini will be with me for his last...


    The day sometimes slip away from me, a huge pine half-bucked in the backyard, the kids old tree fort cut into slabs, a ton of coal waiting to be moved in a train of buckets to the bin. Sipping cold water on the back deck, sharpening the dulled teeth of a worn...

    Diesel Lullaby

    I've been spending a lot of time lately writing sketches of songs—some more complete than others. I have found that it takes time for a song to evolve into its final form, so what I have posted here is more the end of the beginning, not the end. Denise gave me the...

    Ghetto of Your Eye

    A Veteran's Day Remembrance I wrote this song back in the winter of 1989 in the dining car of a steam driven train, somewhere along the Trans-Siberian railway, after meeting a group of Russian soldiers fresh from battle in Afghanistan—that poor country that has been a...

    Out of the Forge: April 13, 2017

    In my forty years or so of actively singing and playing folk music and writing songs, I have played together with a remarkably narrow list of musical partners: Rogue, Wally and Barry with camp songs and Hatrack and Seth with literally everything. These last few years...

    Joshua Sawyer

    I doubt I’d ever have taken this road
    had I known how fallen it really was
    to disrepair: driving comically,
    skirting ruts and high boulders, grimacing
    at every bang on the oil pan.
    I tell you it’s the old road to Wendell —
    that they don’t make them like this anymore.


    I loved the rain last night. Last week, in a bow to reality, I reclaimed my gardens and made them into yard. Four of my kids got poison ivy in the process and I (and more "they") got an extra ten feet of width to add to the soccer field--for really that is about the...

    In Reply To Einstein

    *God casts the die, not the dice. ~Alfred Einstein I am cold down the neck, turtling my head to showers of ice that fall dancing and skidding on skins of crusted snow. I hold my breath when I step, inflating hopes of a weightlessness, and so be undetected
to the play...

    The Storm of Fallibility

           One good cigar is better than two bad cigars, or so it seems right now. It is a beautiful and stormy night--pouring rain and howling wind, and I thought a good smoke would be a fitting end to a busy and over-booked week. As it goes, I bought a couple of cheap...

    The English Soldier

    There is a soldier dressed in ancient English wool guarding the entrance to the inn. He is lucky for this cool night awaiting the pomp of the out of town wedding party. He is paid to be unmoved by the bride's stunning beauty or her train of lesser escorts. He will not...


    Leave the fog stillness
    of a cold harbor town;
    cup our hands
    in the warm diesel sound—
    leave while the children
    are calmed in their dreams
    by light buoys calling:
    “Don’t play around me.”

    Thinking of My Sister

    When Cool Was Really Cool  Life is not counted by the amount of breaths we take,  but of the moments that leave us breathless. ~Unknown             We were coming home from church one morning and Jimmy Glennon pulled up beside us as we approached the Sudbury road...

    Creating a Digital Workflow in the Classroom

    One Teacher’s Solution To Everything  Years of teaching woodshop at my school has reinforced in me the utility of developing a workflow that works best for the project at hand using the tools and equipment already in the shop. The same can be said of my other life as...

    Joshua Sawyer Podcast

    To a teacher

    This shift from fall to winterIs the cruelest month:Long days and nightsIn a blather of responsibility’s I hoist from a murky holeAnd sort and siftOn a messy desk. I pity my students who trembleMy red pen of vengeance;Who wait with fetid thoughtsFreighted by what they...

    Make Something out of Something

    It's hard to make chicken salad out of chicken manure      Dirty hands are a good sign, so hopefully, you got some mental mud on your hands and created some content to work with today.  To a starving man, any food is good food--unless it...

    All You Need is Love

        The day grew warm today, as did my mood. I did a couple of shows at my school’s diversity day. It was good to see girls there and the obvious racial differences. It was comforting to see a sea of color with a smattering of white instead of the other way around. My...


    Very jealous today of all the folks I see spending time with their respective moms--and sad for those who can't and for those whose wives were taken from their families too early in life... This is my remmebrance of my "mum" who died several years ago.       I ran...

    A New Beginning

     I guess if there is any constant in my life, it is new beginnings.  This blog--and this website--is another new beginning starting here late on a cold night on my back porch. I've been keeping a blog (in fact several blogs) since the first blogs made their way on to...

    A Hard Sell

         As a teacher, I am tired of the word blog, probably because the word “blogging” is incredibly limiting and myopic, especially for someone whose teaching is centered around an online curriculum with blogs front and center on my academic table. I sat through a...

    Winter in Caribou

    I know your name. It’s written there.
    I wonder if you care.
    A six-pack of Narragansett beer,
    Some Camels and the brownie over there.
    Every day I stop by like I
    Got some place I’ve got to go;
    I’m buying things I don’t really need:
    I don’t read the Boston Globe.

    But I, I think that I
    Caught the corner of your eye.
    But why, why can’t I try
    To say the things I’ve got inside
    To you ….

    Close Your Eyes and See

          A lot of things in life fall short of the mark, but thoughtfulness has never let me down. For some forty years I have faithfully kept journals of the wanderings of my mind—most of which is lost in some way or another, but the effect hangs on like a sailor...

    Many Miles To Go

    I see it in your eyes
    and in the ways you try to smile;
    in the ways you whisper—I don’t know—
    and put it all off for a while;
    then you keep on keeping on
    in the only way you know:
    you’re scared of where you’re going
    and who’ll catch you down below.

    A New Paradigm

         Sometimes, like right now, I long for a pile of papers on my lap that I could speed through, grade with a series of checks and circles, a few scribbled lines of praise or condemnation, and drop into a shoebox on my desk and say, "Here are your essays!" But I...

    The Mystery Within

    EJ wanted a banana tree for Christmas so that early morning brought a plastic bag, a few meager roots and no directions. I bought some potting soil and a square cedar box EJ placed deliberately by a westward window. He gently splayed the roots, pressed the soil, and...

    Redefining Literacy

     My life is the poem I could have writ, But I could not both live and utter it ~Henry David Thoreau    The common man goes to an orchard to taste the fruit. The rich man man learns how to plant his own orchard. The poet, however,  grows an even better fruit and gives...

    Raccoon Welcome


    Contact John Fitzsimmons...and thanks!